The popular pastor of Second Presbyterian Church, Ahoghill, on being
permittedto honour ably and peacefully enter into his ninety-eight year.
Beloved, believe me, reverend sir,
I but express in rhyme
Greetings galore from friends sincere,
From almost every clime.
Though far and near thy name is known
And honoured more each year,
But only those who know thee best
Love thee the most sincere.
As father, venerable, revered,
At home, at church, at school
You made that good paternal grace
Your blessed golden rule.
As preacher of revival fame,
You proved sin by the law,
You taught the old theology
Without a crack or flaw.
A shepherd with good sense and pluck,
You led your willing flock
To gospel pastures pure and sweet,
Right to the Living Rock.
As friend of the most loving type,
Alike to rich and poor,
No one will be without a friend
Who tries Rose Cottage, sure.
What though your hearing may be bad,
Impaired like your sight,
When all your other faculties
Are healthy, strong and right?
Some say according to thy strength
Thy days shall surely be.
The Word, according to thy days,
Strength shall be given thee.
Thus may it be from all our hearts
We hope and trust and pray,
So that the crowning years to come
May brighter grow each day.
You verify the promises
Set forth in sacred page
That those who find the Lord in youth
Shall have Him in old age.
When God see fit to take you home
A longer term to run,
May you have those portalsringing
“Well done, my child, well done.”
Young Nummer,
30th March 1907