To Dunnygarron, Cullybackey on 12th July, 1910

Hurra, freens, the Twalt is approachin’
The biggest big day o’ the year;
Although some folk hae bin poachin’,
Bit nane o’ thim leive aboot here.

Perhaps we shud cal’ each a brither,
Though wanderer’s frae the “good old”
Wae cherity help those who slither,
An’ elcome thim ba’k til; the fold.

Hooiver my mind is noo dwellin’
On glorious times at the Maine,
The yin half o’ which I’m noo tellin’
The ither I’ll spin ye again.

I’m no an adept at predictions,
Bit this much I’ll venture tae spay,
Regardless o’ monie restrictions,
This Twalt wul’ be mentioned fur aye.

Becos o’ the place o’ the meetin’
Tae which al’ ithers are nil,
Tae whar we extend an Orange greetin’
Frae Dinny-gerrin Green hill.

An’ mairsae becos o’ the people,
Sae social, sae loyal an’ true,
“Catch-my-Pals,” who wud nae seeple
Although the “wee button’s” are few.

The Brithers frae Clough are al’ comin’,
Drumra’ wul’ be here if they can;
The ‘Hoghill True Blue’s will be welcome,
Also the Orange boys frae the Ban’.

The famous destrict o’ the “Towers,”
Who’s ludges are truly first –rate,
Are al’ turnin’ oot in fine flowers,
Thus bringin’ the Twalt up-tae-date.

Bit, freens, whilst we welcome made brithers,
Who, like us, hae travelled each part,
We are just as gled tae see ithers,
Who mabie are Orangemen at heart.

Bit nae yins wul’ be half sae welcome
As Wullie’s fair daughters that day;
Please tak’ this invite as a special
An’ come in yer thousands. Hurray!

Abune al’ the mind weel the collection
Fur Protestant Orphans in need,
Assured that in this connection
The Lord He wul’ bliss you indeed.

Young Nummer,


15th June 1910