Sweet New Year, on wings of angels,
Listen to that Gospel cry;
Earth and nations fear and tremble,
Hell and devil fear and fly.

See their earthen crowns before Him!
Him who rules supreme on high;
See the lake of fire burning,
Did Our Father tell a lie?

No, the truth can kill Goliath,
A pebble stone from the brook of life,
Prepare you, angels, to receive Him,
Oh, Church, so pure, the Lamb’s dear wife.

Drop your sling, brave Christian David,
In love’s ocean swelling tide;
Crown Him, King of Kings to-morrow,
Sheep and shepherd by His side.

Now the lovely lambs are sporting
By their watchful mothers, dear;
Best of pastures are provided,
Welcome, welcome, sweet New Year!

Thy kingdom come, the Lord of Heaven,
To Him be honours – honours great;
There the angels will receive you,
Watchful, waiting at the gate.

Stand and drink the living waters,
And earth’s troubles all release;
From the north the cock is crowing,
This is life and living peace.

W. Mc 3rd January 1920