On Luke 3 V10 & Psalm LVIIv8

Awake, my heart, why silence keep?
Awake once more I duly ask.
Awake once more – responsiveness
Is duty still for thee thy task.

To duty as it comes each day,
Lord, my conscience set on fire;
Before the burning grass make way
As vipers from their haunts retire.

Shall I stay longer in the slough
While steps lie here to take me through?
What I can do I’ll do it now,
And put off self for life anew.

When conscience calls, yes, I will act;
To paths forgot return will I
To all good works I did neglect;
Lord, bend my will – make me comply.

See, with the healthful breeze of spring
All nature to our God gives praise;
Each flower and tree and bird that sings
Speaks of life’s long eternal days.

Then will I ply my wits acumen
To scatter thus my thoughts abroad,
And gladly bow to all that is human,
And glory in the living God.

‘Twas He who made me thus I know
I ponder o’er His love the most;
So with the love He did bestow
I make His wondrous love my boast.

Then let His grace and mercy lead,
His Spirit with us still abide!
For Christ is all – is all I need,
The Christ for us was crucified.

W. M. McCloy,


21st May 1915