Who Died on 2nd October 1913

We little thought that death was near
Our much loved home beside the Brook,
The very one we loved so dear,
A loving wife and mother took.

We loved her well, and knew just why
She made our home so very dear;
But little thought so soon she’d die,
Which draws from us a bitter tear.

She did her best while here on earth,
Then why should we so weep and cry?
‘Tis but to her eternal birth,
Golden morn beyond the sky.

Oh! how we miss here lovely form;
But, yes, we’re sure to meet again,
When gentle calm succeeds the storm
And sleep with her now free from pain.

And how she taught when we were boys,
When we were often with her rude,
It did increase her mother joys,
When we were but a little good.

We think we hear her whisper still,
How she would teach us all to pray,
And lay our burdens at the feet
Oh him who died on Calvary.

She did her duty as a wife,
And with her husband she did share,
The joys and troubles of this life,
And took a part in all his care.

But now she’s passed the Pearly Gates,
And sings the song that angels sing,
For her a welcome there awaits,
Within the palace of the King.

We’ll say good-bye just for a while,
For soon we’ll meet to part no more,
Where there we’ll meet our Saviour soon,
And we shall part no never more.

William McCloy