I love the sparkling streamlets,
And the meadows through which they flow.
I love the purple-tinted hills,
Where the whin and heather grow,
Where the hares and rabbits merrily play,
And birds sing loud through the Summer day.
I love to see the stately trees,
And the hedges so fresh and green,
The mayflower, iris, and meadow-sweet,
Which bloom by the silent stream;
The wheat and corn which the farmers mow,
To feed their cattle when Winter winds blow.
I love the scent of the flower beds,
When refreshed by the Summer rain,
The honeysuckle and dark-red rose,
That grow near the window pane,
And butterflies with their wings so fair,
Flittering around in the sultry air.
Meta Morton Age 12
Tullygrawley School