Cullybackey Auld Nummer again,
His blundering rhymes like one insane;
For he who’s filled with Christian grace
Is fit to lead the human race:
Ambitious men are not inclined to teach,
It’s humility which helps a man to pray and preach.

Christians for worldly office do not sigh,
Being endowed with power from on high;
Satan’s slaves may mock and lie,
Forgetting soon that they must die,
And give account for all their speech
When too late to pray and preach.

He who’s filled with Christian grace
Is apt to get a vacant place.
He has his faults, and owns them too;
Not selfish, for he prays for you.
Christ was heard on sea and land,
Why should I not take a stand?

He speaks of godly elders, who salvation don’t inherit;
But for teaching others he gives them little credit.
He refers to charity and the chose few,
As if all were going to hell who occupy a pew.
Christians who aim at heaven to reach
Are in duty bound to pray and preach.

He refers to licenses preachers, too,
And mocks at those who pay a pew,
Exposing his errors very much;
Such a topic he should not touch.
Giving is a grace which the scriptures teach,
So should all who pray and preach.

His last three stanzas need no comment,
To ridicule the whole is meant;
In them he speaks of school and college,
We give him credit for his knowledge.
Hoping he will use it in another strain
When writing for the OBSERVER again.

Random Rhymer,

10th April 1891