The July day is comin’, boys,
Then let us ready be,
Wae gay cockades an’ sashes bright,
An’ orange colours free,
Tae celebrate that glorious day
Doon by the banks o’ Bann,
Whaur britherly love is always shown,
An’ the grup o’ freenship’s haun’.
Lang weary years hae past and gone
Since freedom Wullie gained
For us upon the Banks o’ Boyne;
May this be niver stained
By ony quarrel ‘mang brithers true,
Or ony slur be thrown
Aboot this Twalth day meetin’
On the Braes o’ Portglenone.
This meetin’ on the Banks o’ Bann,
Wae orange banners gay,
An’ fifes and drums, and pipers graun’,
Wull shure be min’d for aye.
The lovely girls wae dresses white,
An’ purple ribbons flown,
Wull linked be tae Orangemen
This day in Porglenone.
No’ a yin wull miss this day,
If they ir fit tae crawl,
Or steer a bike, sit on a car,
Nae absentees at all;
Single and merried wull be there;
Auld maids wha’s hopes hae flown
Wull hae anither try for luck
That day in Portglenone.
The speeches wull be great A hear,
Aboot the Home Rule Bill;
The oots an’ ins o’ Parlyment
That day ye’ll hae yer fill;
Each speaker a guid Orangeman,
An’ loyal tae the Throne;
They soon wud mak’ a fire o’
The Bill in Portglenone.
Noo may the day be bricht an’ clear;
May each an’ ivery wan
In britherly love and freenship meet,
As only brithers can;
An’ iver keep this Twalth in min’
Let Wullie’s deeds be known
On history’s page a record be
O’ this Twalth in Portglenone.
Jan Piper,
7th July 1914