The plantation is a formation of trees,
A habitat for birds and bees,
A shelter from the wind and rain
When the trees come into leaf again.
These stately trees, so tall and green,
Stand so erect and so serene,
Inviting birds to build their nests,
To lay their eggs and take a rest.
It really is a building site,
For crows and wild pigeons alike,
Or any other birds who choose
To build upon those leafy boughs.
The plantation doesn’t only provide beauty,
It has other purposes as well;
Along comes the woodcutter one day,
And decides which tree he will fell.
Some are chopped up for firewood,
Others are pulped for paper.
Some are prepared to make furniture,
So they go through many a caper.
There is something lovely about these trees,
With their forty shades of green,
Mother Nature is so wonderful,
To provide us with such a scene.
Bessie Hanna,
Found in the Coleraine Chronicle of 13th May 1978