The springtime sun was sinking fast
Towards the western sky,
As a true servant of the Lamb
Lay on her bed to die.

For God had called, she must obey
That summons from on high,
And leave this weary world behind
For realms in the sky.

So she is gone to be with Christ,
The pain and strife are o’er;
And she has passed within the gates,
To suffer never more.

She lived a quiet Christian llife
Down in this world of care,
And tried that Blessed One to know,
Who all her sins did bear.

The name of Christ to her was dear,
For she was saved by grace;
Her heart was fixed to live for Him,
And run the heavenly race.

She regularly went to God’s own house,
A blessing to receive;
And God did satisfy her soul,
Because she did believe.

So no more blessing she doth need;
She’s in the place of bliss,
And God hath satisfied her wants
No more she wants than this.

Rest, happy rest, she now enjoys,
From all her troubles bear;
She leans upon her Saviour’s breast
That name to her was dear.

Now, father, mother, brothers, sisters, too,
Oh, do not weep; she has won
A place in regions bright above,
Far from this world of sin.

But fix your heart on Jesus here,
And live for Him alone,
So that you may your loved one meet,
With joy around the Throne.

Oh, happy home of love above,
When may Thy courts reach me?
When shall we bid this world adieu,
That joy and love to see?

Oh, Lord, now give us of Thy grace,
Take all our sins away,
So that we may in heaven meet
In bliss of endless day.

A Friend,

Ballyclose, Cullybackey,

25th March 1913