On The Coming Meetings at Fenaghy

“Prayer is asked…that times of refreshing, greater than was witnessed in 1859, shall come from the presence of the Lord.” – Circular.

O God of boundless power and grace!
Before Thy mercy-seat we bend;
We mourn our sins, we seek Thy face,
In Jesus’ name our spirits blend;
Give Thou the unction all divine
That moved to prayer in “Fifty-nine.”

Our weakness and our need behold;
We cry to Thee, “Oh Lord! how long?”
Inflame our hearts, so dull and cold;
Our feeble faith, O make it strong!
In mercy let Thine ear incline,
And help us as in “Fifty-nine.”

The lights we shed, alas, how dim!
Upon benighted souls around;
Our Great High Priest, arise and trim
Thy flickering lamps, wherever found;
Thou Light of Life, break forth and shine
All glorious as in “Fifty-nine.”

O let us at the cross discern
Our deep indebtedness to Thee,
Until our hearts anew shall burn
With love of hundred-fold degree;
Let holier zeal our lives refine
Oh, for the flame of “Fifty-nine!”

Alas, for souls that dwell at ease
The slumberers in their guilt secure!
With conscious condemnation seize,
And pierce them by the Spirit’s power;
Oh, for the voice in souls sublime
That waked the dead in “Fifty-nine!”

Let busy street and quiet glen
Once more confess Thy presence nigh,
Fill with Thy fear the hearts of men
And tune their tongues to songs of joy;
So shall we bless Thy power benign,
And praise the God of “Fifty-nine.”

O, Thou who on the mountain-side
The Word of Life did oft declare,
And for the famishing provide
Free banquet in the open air;
At Fenaghy, in power divine,
Surpass the feasts of “Fifty-nine.”

O meet us on the verdant sod;
Be pleased to grant propitious skies;
Come, Spirit of the Living God,
Bid Thou the lifeless bones arise,
O be our hearts’ desire the sign
Of Pentecost in Eighty-nine!

W. Maxwell,


July 1889