We have a new Mayor a man of the cloth
He comes from the beautiful townland of Clough
He took over from Sandy in the year ‘93
With pride wears his chain so we all can see
He attends every function wherever he’s called
Gives visitors a reception up in the Town Hall
His wife there beside him to beckon him on
She’ll help him to cope should anything go wrong
His ministry served the Clough people for years
Until he decided to change his career
He will preach in the pulpit whenever he’s needed
His message gets through let’s hope it’s well heeded
If you have a problem which has to be dealt
Our Mayor Mr Coulter will sure give you help
His talents are many by the work of his hand
I’m sure his oil paintings are in great demand
He’s a very popular person I guess
As his picture appears each week in the press
When from his work at the Town Hall he’s leaving
You’ll then see him walk through the door at Ardeevin
When a day’s work is done and to home he retires
He loves to sit down at a big cosy fire
With his documents, papers, pencil and pen
His work for the day seems never to end
Let’s hope with the ceasefire each one plays their part
Take away all the hatred from everyone’s heart
So here’s to our Mayor long may he serve
A true recognition is what he deserves.
Nan Anderson,
October 1995