O, how quick the years are flying,
Though we think them sometimes slow,
Yet our barque is moving onward,
Faster than we really know.
Life is like a weaver’s shuttle,
Passing thither to and fro;
When life’s web will be completed
None but Christ does surely know.
But to know that He is with us,
This should drive away our fear,
This should fill our hearts with courage
Well to face the coming year.
O My Lord, how much we need Thee,
Us to comfort, keep, and cheer;
May thy presence still be with us
As we journey through this year.
O, what homes have lost dear loved ones,
Gone beyond all dread and fear;
Now they rest upon Christ’s bosom,
Now they have a sweet New Year.
Help us all to fight life’s battle,
Give us grace to keep us near,
Tune our harps and make us joyful,
Give us all a happy year.
Would I ask myself this question,
Am I washed in Jesus’ blood,
Am I trusting in my Saviour,
Am I going home to God?
Home to join the ones before us,
Home to join that happy band,
Home to join the links now severed,
Home to Heaven’s Happy Land.
M. McMaster,
Killyless, Cullybackey,
28th March 1909