Another year has passed away,
What good men fought and fell;
What homes are wrecked, what broken hearts,
There’s none but god can tell.
For such a war has never been,
In air, or sea, or land;
And who can stop this cruel war
But god’s own loving hand.
Oh, hear the lonely mother’s sigh,
And cry the widow’s tear;
Oh, take the orphans in Thine arms,
And keep them ever near.
The world is longing for relief,
It sighs and groans with pain;
But Christ will calm the troubled sea,
When once He comes again.
Our lonely hearts, they long to-day,
For those we love so dear;
We know they’re with their blessed Lord,
But how we miss them here.
Oh, help us Lord, still trust in thee,
And never doubt or fear;
But look for victory, joy and peace,
This blessed sweet New Year.
M. McMaster,
January 1918