What want I more, my health is fair,
I’ve bread to eat, and some to spare,
Why should I worry with much care,
There’s comfort found in Jesus.
What want I more, I’ve Christ within,
And He has pardoned all my sin;
He’ll guide me going out and in,
All this is found in Jesus.
What want I more, though foes may frown,
And do their best to pull me down,
Yet for my head He has a crown,
All glory be to Jesus.
What want I more, in Him there’s grace
To fight my battle, run my race,
And at His side for me a place,
All this is found in Jesus.
What want I more, I soon shall be
In that sweet place where I shall see
The visage that was marred for me,
And praise my loving Jesus.
M. McMaster,
30th December 1921