Is thy burden growing greater?
Do you bear a heavy load?
Look to Him who helps the helpless
Weary child, have faith in God.
Is thy pathway growing darker?
Do you dread the lonely road?
Hear Him say “I’ll never leave thee”
Weary child, have faith in God.
Faith in Him Who died on Calvary,
Faith in Him Who bore thy load;
‘Twas the Father laid it on Him
Weary child, have faith in God.
He chastises whom He loveth,
In love’s hand He holds the rod;
He will deal with us in mercy
Weary child, have faith in God.
He will keep thee all thy journey,
He will keep thee all the road;
Do not doubt Him, still He loves thee
Weary child, have faith in God.
Only trust Him – let Him lead you,
He will banish every fear,
Hug you closer to His bosom,
Help you meet the sweet New Year.
Malcolm McMaster,
January 1928