Our Saviour cried, “’Tis finished,”
The blood o’ warfare’s poured;
Our enemies are vanquished,
Our freedom is restored.

The triumph of the Allies,
By famine, scourge or sword,
Has come by gracious supplies,
And harkening to His word.

The Lord, He is our portion,
Let every nation sing,
Oh, the blessed consummation
His earthly sway shall bring!

May anarchy and discord,
With misrule disappear,
Let all obey His royal word,
And learn the Lord to fear.

The Lord our God most holy
Is humbling those on high,
The doom of the ungodly
Awaits them by-and-by.

The fear of God is wisdom,
Neglect of that is sin;
Our souls are His true kingdom,
He claims the rule within.

Our Lord demands no image,
In temples made with hands,
He loves to write His message,
In hearts that He commands.

Henceforth is war a crusade
To root out all disease,
To right the wrongs that man made,
By law, sirs, if you please.

The nation needs conversion
From graft and guile of sin,
By covenant relation
With Christ enthroned within.

The League of Nations’ Union
Invites us all to peace
In union with the Risen One
Who shall make wars to cease.

We fight not now for victory,
Since that for us is bought,
The price we pay for safety
Is vigilance – take note.

The book of Kings is closing
Its records in the world,
Autocracy is falling,
And freedom’s flag’s unfurled.

J. Townsley,


11th November 1918