In speaking on Luke XIIv15 and in trying to show that a man’s life was itself his mission to help in finding the way back to righteousness, holiness, peace and happiness and therein be rich toward God. The writer threw in the following picture of Christ as the ideal “Way, Truth and Life” for all.
Where is the place, at home, abroad,
You find the gentle man of God?
Who tries to live the life divine,
And prays for grace at every shrine;
Who puts into the common lot
A little more than he takes out;
Who gives according to his love,
Which is the greatest bliss above;
Whose life has passed into his work
The plan of duty none may shirk;
Taking as his honest wages
Earnest work by daily stages;
Who wins the honour of wise men
And the love of little children;
Who leaves the world much better than
He found it – he’s the noble man
No longing, lingering look behind
Keeps him from keeping God in mind.
“Always faithful, always ready,”
This his motto – sure and steady.
Hence comes moral inspiration,
And God-like appreciation
Of the best in men and nature
God’s handiwork in miniature
Oh! were the whole world good as you,
And were it just as pure and true,
And were it strong in faith and works,
And just as free from crafty quirks
Free from extortion and deceit,
Vile schemes its neighbours to defeat,
False speculations to defraud,
Vain words some culprit to applaud,
Would not this world be free from jars?
From wrongs and errors and all wars!
Brave pioneer! Thy true knighthood
Is found in merely doing good.
And all who by thy side shall stand
Are not far from the Holy Land.
Beloved! Yield to God thy time,
And let thyself, thy thoughts keep chime
Above with Him Who will becale
Thy life and make it one sweet Psalm.
J. Townsley,
8th August 1920