Who departed this life May 24th 1914
“Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.”
All hail the power of Jesus’ name,
Wherein the dead are blessed;
From pain and sorrow all set free,
Oh, grand and glorious rest.
A mansion bright, a home on high,
If we His promise claim;
No condemnation will there be
Blessed be His dear name.
Then by this faithful promise
Let friends now sigh no more,
But live by faith and hope to meet
Their loved ones gone before.
Gone o’er Jordan’s swelling flood
To join that happy band,
And sing the grand celestial song
In sweet Emanuel’s land.
Much good she did while here on earth,
The poor will miss her much;
Tho’ great our loss, the Scripture says,
“God’s Kingdom is of such.”
Hundreds here will bless her name
For kind acts many a one;
Now she has claimed her great reward
And heard the grand “Well done.”
Her quiet life, her Christian walk,
Were like her Saviour mild;
She followed in his footsteps true
A father’s lowly child.
Now she has gone to Him she served,
She’s happier far than we;
A victor’s palm now holds aloft
Where brightest mansions be.
To those left here in sorrow now,
Oh, Father be their friend,
And to their lonely aching hearts
The balm of Gilead send.
In trouble be their comfort now,
Be with them evermore
Until they reach that heavenly home,
Where loved ones part no more.
J. Moore,
1st June 1914