In Memory of Alexander Hoy,
Who Departed This Life October 15 1914
At Broughdone, Cullybackey.
God Giveth and God Taketh Away;
Blessed be the Name of God.
Blessed be the Lord our God from Whom
All blessings rich do flow;
Blessed be Him who takes away;
His purpose none can know.
Tho’ hard to part from those we love,
And say – “Thy will be done,”
God’s commands must be obeyed,
And death respects no one.
Though deep be Jordan’s swelling flood,
And dark the pathway seems;
Through the valley shining bright
The star of Bethlehem beams.
Oh grave, where is thy victory?
Oh death, where is thy sting?
When washed in Jesus’ precious blood,
This anthem angels sing.
His Holy Book does plainly say
The earthly friends thee grieve;
In sorrow will He comfort thee,
He never will thee leave.
He will hold thee by the hand
And all thy burdens bear,
Till friends departed thou shall meet
In Heaven, bright and fair.
From earthly pain, thy friend’s now free
From trouble, toil and strife;
A happy rest in heaven above;
A long eternal life.
Let earthly sorrows not thee grieve
Nor let thy heart be sore;
Thy loved one lives in mansions bright,
Not dead – but gone before.
J. Moore,
19th October 1914