Who was accidentally drowned in the
Maine River, Harperstown, Cullybackey
2nd June 1916
We did not think that fatal morn
Our boy quite free from pain,
Would from our presence thus be torn
Drowned in the River Maine.
For parents’ grief what shall I bring?
All void my heart replies;
No earthly gift can take the place
Of such a treasured prize.
I pluck a violet fresh with dew,
To fade ere it doth bloom;
So are those laughing eyes of blue
Asleep within the tomb.
The little curls that decked his brow
As he sat on my knee;
Although he is gone to Heaven now,
His childish form I see.
And though in Heaven now he sits,
Jesus, Thy words still prove;
Though earthly trials God permits,
Still Christ speaks out in love.
“My Kingdom is of such,” he said,
“Let children come to Me;
Forbid them not in love,” he cried,
And placed them on His knee.
Our greatest joy that Heaven sent
We lay now in the dust;
With sorrow great our hearts fills up,
A burden on our breast.
But should we sorrow with despair
When he was not our own?
Unto that land, so bright and fair,
Christ only took him home.
From that bright world where angels sing,
He never shall return;
But very soon we’ll go to him,
And there shall cease to mourn.
And so Christ calls us up to him,
And patiently He waits;
A home prepared He has on high,
Beyond the city gates.
And all those broken ties of love
Shall there be joined to stay;
And rest and peace those flowers above
Shall bloom eternally.
June 1916