Lines suggested on hearing the Rev. J. A. Lyons, B. A., esteemed minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Cullybackey, preach a very effective sermon,
taking as his text Luke IX V 62 “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”.
Just at this season of the year,
When ploughs are plying far and near,
A better time could not be found
To run this plough over the ground.
The minister took us away
To Palestine, even to-day,
Explained to us the wooden plough,
And how the thing was wrought just now.
So my dear friends I do feel led
To tell you something that he said-
The oxen represents the power
That draws the Gospel plough each hour.
Except God’s spirit has the lead,
The ploughman comes but little speed,
Whither height, level or hollow,
The ploughman’s place is just to follow.
To grip the plough, lean all his weight,
Look right ahead and plough quite straight.
God’s ploughman must not sprain his neck
In order to get looking back.
Ah, no! One should not think of it,
Knowing it makes one most unfit,
For God’s kingdom either here or there,
And ploughmen needed everywhere.
Dear Christian, do put to your hand
And help in ploughing up the land.
Which roots of sin have made so tough
And parched and hard and sometimes rough.
May those who have not, make a start,
And like true ploughmen do their part,
Knowing if they the right course keep,
And still plough on, they yet shall reap.
But to this truth let us all bow,
No dead person can hold this plough,
So take life when life can be had,
None are too good and none too bad,
Then put your clean hand to the plough.
And go ahead, commencing NOW.
22nd March 1919