No time, perhaps, dear friends in Christ,
Since apostolic age
Has there been such a time as now,
For “gifts” seem quite a rage.
The Bible is God’s gift to man,
To be our rule of life,
Which states the first gift we all need
Is his eternal life.
Whence follow many other gifts
According unto grace,
And though they differ sometimes much,
Each has its proper place.
The body is not all a foot,
A tongue, or yet a hand,
But all the parts completely joined
Make it perfect and grand.
So whither wisdom, knowledge, faith,
Or healing in His name,
Or speaking in an unknown tongue,
The Spirit is the same.
Neglect not, but stir up, says Paul,
Those we desire most,
But then the power only comes
In God, the Holy Ghost.
Whom our good Heavenly Father gives
To all His children, dear.
Who ask him in sincerity
Christ says it, do not fear.
Covet the very best of gifts
With earnestness, we read,
To those that edify the Church,
We are to give most heed.
Sure, prophecies shall fair, tongue cease,
E’en knowledge pass away,
But perfect love, that greatest gift,
Abides and lives for aye.
For God is love, consuming love,
Dear reader, prove Him so,
And you shall have the best of gifts,
As signs that follow show.
14th December 1919