Let’s sing anither sang,
Jamie lad,
Before ye think tae gaung,
Jamie lad,
A sang withoot a whine,
Need niver vex oor kin’,
So here its line on line,
Jamie lad.

Ye aye were true as steel,
Jamie lad,
In church, or bank, or fiel’,
Jamie lad,
Some churls hae try’d tae bite,
As they crawl’d in o’ot o’ sight,
Just tae show their hellish spite,
Jamie lad.

The Pharisee we’ll hae,
Jamie lad,
Till time will pass away,
Jamie lad,
So let us no forget
His weizent wutherit set
Withoot the least regret,
Jamie lad.

A tower among the few,
Jamie lad,
Guid health I wush tae you,
Jamie lad,
An’ dear be wae the days
Whun we pu’t the nits and slaes
Whar the burn blinks tae the braes,
Jamie lad.

Then life had na’er a thorn,
Jamie lad,
Tae canker jag its morn,
Jamie lad;
So even whun in school
We ne’er feare’t the master’s rule,
Tho’ aff’t we sung pertule,
Jamie lad.

An’ whun o’or task was done,
Jamie lad,
How soople we did run,
Jamie lad,
Tae jump binks in the moss,
Whar we got both coup and soss,
An’ o’or claes shun lost their gloss,
Jamie lad.

An’, then, how we wad scour,
Jamie lad,
Through cluther, glen, or moor,
Jamie lad,
An’ mair birds’ nests ye got
Than ony o’ o’or lot,
An’ yit ye harm’t them not,
Jamie lad.

An’ whun we wauchel’t hame,
Jamie lad,
Though aften limp an’ lame,
Jamie lad,
How ye lept’t like the duce
Wae the wee yins through the hoose,
Auld yins thoucht a screw wus loose,
Jame lad.

Lang syne we’r grew tae men,
Jamie lad;
Yer honesty a ken,
Jamie lad;
Noo tell me this in plain,
Though fortune ye attain,
Don’t ye want youth back again,
Jamie lad?

Cullybackey Auld Nummer,

13th February 1896