Day in an’ day oot on his auld farrant loom,
Time lengthens the wab o’ the past;
Dame Nature steps in like a lamp tae the room,
Hir e’e tae the simmer o’ life geein’ bloom.
So winter slips by, wi’ its mirth an’ its gloom,
As spring is appearin’ at last.
The robin gets up an’ he lauchs in his glee,
In view o’ the prospect sae braw;
Sets his heid tae the side, wi’ its feathers agee,
As he spies a bit snawdrop at fit o’ the tree,
An’ says tae himself, a’ll hae denties tae pree
By an’ by when the splash is awa.
The blackbird keeks oot frae the fog at the broo,
Gees his neb a bit dicht on a stane’
His eye caught the primrose appearin’ in view,
An’ the tiny wee violet o’ Nature’s ain blue;
He sung them a sang o’ the auld an’ the new
A sang we may a’ let alane.
The thrush cuff’d the leaves neath the skep o’ the bee
An’ he til’t them aside wae a zest;
I maun hurry awa tae rehearsal, quo be,
This work fits the sparrow far better than me;
His sang pleased the ear frae the tap o’ the tree
As he fell intae tune wae the rest.
Thus Nature provides for hir hoose an’ hir wanes,
An’ we may rejoice in the plan;
The wren tae the bluebonnet sings his refrain
On causey o’ cottier or lordly domain;
The wagtail looks on withoot shame o’ disdain,
May we aye say the same o’ the Man.
Culybackey Auld Nummer,
21st February 1896