‘Twas at a wal’ some ither girls
Met us in ancient style;
But Miriam we first behold
Beside the River Nile.
Keepin’ strict watch ower the wee ark,
Wha’s cargo wuz a waen,
That yin day wuz tae get the la’
On slabs o’ Sinai stane.
Nixt time we meet this prophetess
Is ower the Rid Sea;
Rejoicin’ in the glorious fact
That God had set them free.
Accompainist rael lood she plays,
As al’ hir sisters sing,
An’ praise their great Deliverer,
Jehovah, their true King.
But, favour’d as this woman wuz,
Foul jealousy crept in;
She, no content wae second place,
Hence Miriam’s great sin.
Fur which God had tae punish sore,
An’ tae let Israel know,
She left the Tabernickle freens
A leper white as snow.
Then brither Moses pleads fur hir;
Again God made hir whole;
We hope that iver afterwards
She wuz a humbled soul.
The only glimpse we get o’ hir
Indeed, its little mair
Is whar she at auld Radesh deid,
An’ buried wuz richt there.
The lessins o’ hir life, A think,
Time niver wul’ efface;
So, my dear sisters, tak’ the hint,
An’ stie in yer ain place.
This rael guid wumin did dea wrang,
Which wuz weel brocht tae licht;
A hope nixt time tae tell ye o’
A bad yin wha did richt.
19th February 1916