Dear freen’s the Word states plain as oucht,
“Faith withoot works is deid;”
So let us see this Joppa lass,
Wha’s works wur awfu’ guid.
Maist o’ the ither weemin we’ve
Frae time tae time behel’,
Had got the gift we cal’ “the gab,”
An’ each spok fur hirsel’.
But Dorcas did nae flourish aff.
This sherp-edged sword ava’,
Which seems tae cut baith richt an’ left,
An’ tae itsel’ a la’.
Like monie ithers wha hae liev’d
It’s only whun they dee;
We see thir names first time in print,
An’ al’ thir cherity.
But printers ink wuz nae the tears
Shed at this wummin’s wake,
Ah, no! the germints that she made
Bore witness fur hir sake.
Some o’ the poor whom she’d befreen’d,
Weepin’ had gether’d in,
Wailin’ wae lamentations lood,
They made an awfu’ din.
But Peter made the room be red,
An’ gien himsel’ tae prayer,
God answer’d him fur Dorcas liev’d
Tae work fur Him yince mair.
Hoo lang we dae nae really know,
But o’ this we ir sure
She spent hir time yit mair an’ mair
Helpin’ the needy poor.
Be active members sisters al’,
O’ that society
Which bears hir very honour’d name,
An’ blissin’s rest on ye.
That whun yer work doon here is dane,
Like Dorcas true an’ guid,
The monie whom ye help’d alnag
Will miss ye sore, indeed.
An’ ye shall reap the fu’ reward,
Fur haein’ dane yer share;
Enjoyin’ sweet felicity
In Heaven iver mair.
30th September 1916