Of writing books of every trend
There seems to never be an end,
But leaving these to their own side,
Let’s hold to one that shall abide.

Because in it we all may find,
Almighty God’s most sacred mind,
The precious words of Christ His Son,
And Holy Spirit’s work-in one.

It shows the sinner’s awful doom,
And gives no hope beyond the tomb;
Compares each human to a tree,
Just as we fall so shall we be.

Yet in its pages all may see,
Salvation’s pathway rich and free,
Oft read it in a prayerful mood,
And take from thence your daily food.

It fills the memory, oh, how sweet,
And rules the heart and guides the feet,
True chart for Christian travellers here,
Light to direct, comfort to cheer.

The pilgrim’s staff, the soldier’s sword,
To lose it we could not afford;
God’s glory in each page doth shine,
The good of man its chief design.

A paradise, a mine of wealth,
A pleasant river, a sea of health,
So deep beyond man’s finding out,
So shallow that no child need doubt.

It suits the young, also the old,
With words more precious than find gold;
It helps us live, and helps us die,
Some think we’ll have the Word on high.

However, love, honour and obey
The Holy Bible day by day,
Guard it with sword, and voice, and pen,
An open Book for all. – Amen.


15th April 1916