Thoughts suggested on hearing the Rev. H. W. Boyd, First Presbyterian Church, Ahoghill, preach an eloquent sermon on

“The Parable of the Ten Virgins” – Matthew 25 in the Cuningham Memorial Church, Cullybackey.

Oor guid freen, Mr Henry Boyd,
Preach’d here the ither day,
An’ wae his wurds sweet in my mind
I thus attune my lay.

An East’ren marriage he portray’d,
In language quite sublime;
I hope he’ll kindly pardon me
Fur touchin’ it in rhyme.

The Virgins Ten wus his great theme,
An’ my, he spake rael plain,
This has nae been its equal, waens,
Preach’d ‘lang the River Maine.

Miss “Faith” came in fur much applas,
A virgin wise, indeed,
Wha had the oil o’ grace within,
An’ therefore taen the lead.

Miss “Hope,” hir sister, also wise,
Whom naethin’ cud annoy,
Whas beamin’ face an’ mirry e’e
Betokened lots o’ joy.

Miss “Love,” anither sister guid,
Winsom an’ brave an’ kind,
Wha sa’ an’ did those little things
Which lee thir mark behind.

Miss “Purity,” this cousin fair,
Attended wae guid grace,
Which prov’d she wus a virgin wise,
An’ fit tae keep hir place.

Yin Miss “Humility,” thir freen,
Whas work is rarely sa’,
Did much tae grace the marriage feast,
Though in the hin’ maist ra’.

Miss “Vanity,” a pamper’d thing,
Foolish an’ foo o’ pride,
Although a virgin finely drest,
Remained on the outside.

Miss “Envy,” come, no that she cared
A single cruckit pin
Fur either Bridegroom ur His bride;
So she wus left ahin.

Miss “Anger” pray, foolish lass,
Wha nae yin cares aboot,
Kicked up sic dust alang the road
That she was left withoot.

Miss “Falsehood” wae the foolish tongue
A faut she did nae hide
Wus left tae ply hir babblin’ trade
Upon the big outside.

Miss “Indolence,” a careless “coof,”
Jist like the other four,
Alas, too late, and unprepared,
She reach’d the bolted door.

Thin Mr. Boyd applied the hale,
Which yit shall bear much fruit
In oil galore, an’ weel trim’d lamps,
Which cannie be pit oot.



June 1907