It needs no simple words of mine,
Dear friends as you all know,
To prove that this work is of God,
As His own Word says so.
Go out into the cities first,
Just like this Gospel tour;
Through the big streets where live the rich,
And lanes where dwell the poor.
Then out into the country fair,
Deal straight with highway sin,
And those who by the hedges hide,
Compel all to come in.
Just like the route march did last week,
From Portrush to Belfast;
We know the work has been of God,
And, therefore, bound to last.
Along the Bann’s most fertile banks,
Now rich with golden grain;
Then, paid a welcome visit to
“The City on the Maine.”
We think the zenith of the march
Was reached on Thursday night,
When at Harryville big bridge
We trust many got right.
The ministers turned out in force,
Encouraging no doubt!
Who all would be much better “in”
If they would go more “out.”
However, God says He will work,
And in these latter days
Pour out His Spirit on all flesh
Who acts in many ways.
We pray that God may bless right through
This band of noble men,
And that you from your heart respond
“So may it be,” Amen.
Adam Lynn,
14th September 1919