Lines suggested on hearing the Rev. T. Whiteside preach in the Baptist Church, Hill Street, Ballymena on

“John vi., 15 to 20”

Wae pleasure an’ wae profit tae
At six last Sunday nicht,
I pied a visit tae this church
Whar shines the Gospel licht.

In passin’ let me here just say
The hoose is no first-rate;
The service frae the first tae last
Brings it weel up tae date.

My heart went up in thankfulness
To meet my friend once more,
An’ hear him preach the Gospel full
As in the days o’ yore.

An’ though the ooter man is frail,
The inner yin is strong,
Beca’s that Spirit is wae him
He served all along.

Thus, he has licht at eventide,
An’ this is what we pray;
That it may bright an’ brighter grow
Until the perfect day.

Frae man till message let us turn,
The truth may each yin see,
Hoo in the gloamin’ some lee Christ
An’ struggle in the sea.

Then sure as oucht darkness sets in,
Beca’s yins lee the Licht
The sea it rises wrathfully
Tae put them oot o’ sicht.

Aft whun things ir aboot their worst
An’ yins ir fu’ o’ fear
Jesus comes walking ower all,
An’ says, “Fear not I’m here.”

Then if we willingly receive
An’ let him steer the ship
Right off we shall be at the land
Without a single slip.

May this be true o’ yin an’ al’
Is noo my humble prayer.
Let us walk on this solid road
An’ we shall soon be there.

Adam Lynn,


1st March 1919