O, Thou who rules and reigns supreme,
The God whom we adore,
In that great name above all names
We come to Thee once more.
Although poor creatures of the dust,
Here as but for a day,
We thank Thee for this privilege
That, we can always pray.
For all Thy goodness unto us
We should more grateful be;
Lord, please forgive our thanklessness
And debts we owe to Thee.
But, Lord, the burden of our hearts,
Just at this awful time,
Is that Thou would’st save Ireland
From discontent and crime.
Men plot and plan well as they can,
Forgetting that Thou art,
And that the whole belongs to Thee
And we a little part.
Do help us Lord, to realise,
By Thy Spirit divine,
You honour those who honour You,
And keep along that line.
As sons and daughters of the “sod,”
We now before Thee fall,
Willing that Thy good will be done,
Which makes ours very small.
Then peace and true prosperity
Shall follow in the wake,
All living as Thy children true,
We ask it for Christ’s sake.
Adam Lynn,
21st August, 1920