(St. Luke 2, 14)

Friends, firstly let our minds revert
And may we think aright
About those words addressed to men
Watching their flocks by night.
Although spoken so long ago
By that host from above,
“Glory to God” let us now shout
For His redeeming love.

Since then we have had times of peace,
Although sometimes sad war,
But the World War near ended now
Exceeds them all by far,
We hope and pray such cruelty
Mortals shall never see,
Until the Armageddon great
The Bible state will be.

Our sympathy is most sincere
For all those now bereft
As widows, sweethearts, relatives,
And orphans who are left;
Also the many maim’d for life,
And those who laid it down.
We hope that they may all receive
An everlasting crown.

Much thanks are due to Allies brave,
And others when they dare,
Who help’d to bring on each sweet peace
All people treated fair.
The aftermath of this great war
Has problems not a few,
But God who help’d us win the war
In peace will help us too.

Old Adam,
Galgorm Parks,
September 1944