JOB V 8 to 27
We do seek God and unto Him
Would now commit our cause,
Knowing He doeth marvellously
To all who keep His laws.
He giveth rain upon the earth,
Without which would be dead,
So that it yields abundantly,
Whereby we all are fed.
Yet disappoints the worldly wise,
Their craft He brings to naught,
With each device of sinful man,
For which He is not sought.
Who meet the darkness which they love
E’en at the noonday hour,
And stumble on as in the night
Under satanic power.
But never fear He saves His own
From all their hellish might
Of tongues or hands or keen-edged swords,
While we do what is right.
Though God himself corrects us sore,
So if we don’t despise,
With His own hands He’ll make us whole,
And we shall happy rise.
Should trouble come six at a time
Deliverance comes along,
No evil can touch us for harm
Though quite sevenfold strong.
Bad times shall not just mean our death,
We are redeemed from it,
Nor dread destruction when it comes
Shall not fear us a bit.
Our tabernacle is in peace
And we have joy within
Our habitation to frequent
Without committing sin.
So let us search and search again,
My Christian readers, dear,
And may he hear and know for good
Much in this present year.
Adam Lynn,
1st January 1921