Lines suggested on hearing the Rev James Pyper, B. A., Duncairn Presbyterian Church, Belfast, preach a sermon in connection with the united anniversary service of the Ballymena Young Men’s Christian Association in the First Presbyterian Church, Ballymena, on Sunday evening, 29th November, 1914.  Mr Pyper, who some years ago very faithfully ministered to the important congregation of Trinity Presbyterian Church,  Ahoghill, and who by his courteous manner and lovable disposition created many abiding friendships amongst all creeds and classes in and around the beautiful village of Ahoghill, took his text  “One thing thou lackest” – St. Mark X 21.

Welcome! Ten thousand welcomes, sir,
Maist heartily we gi’e
As yince mair we’re delighted sir,
Yer genial face tae see.

Ooer minds revert tae hallow’d times
At ‘Hoghill years ago,
Whun at Trinity Church belov’d
The guid see ye did sow.

The sorrow great that filled each heart
Whun yince we realised
The “Maiden City” ta’en the man
Whom we sae dearly prized.

Duncairn Church, in big Belfast,
Then taen ye heart and han’,
Fur naethin’ satisfies these folk
But hae a leadin’ man.

Which noo is theirs, though A feel like
This caution them gae gi’e,
The likes o’ you ir hard tae haud
Whun greater powers there be.

Hooiver, o’ yer sermon, sir,
That’s if ye dae nae mind,
A’ll juist pass on a thocht or twa,
As noo A feel inclined.

Ye showed this young man had guid traits,
In language awfu’ nice,
An’ proved up tae the very hilt
That virtue wuz nae vice.

Yit not withstandin’ al’, poor chap,
He left baith rich and sad,
He merely miss’d, an’ lacked, yin thing,
Which wud hae made him glad.

Yer application o’ the facts
Is bound tae tak’ deep root,
Spring up an’ grow an’ blossom fair,
An’ yield abundant fair.

Adam Lynn,


30th November 1914