J ehovah, Lord high over all,
Who watches e’en the sparrows fall,
E ncouraged thus we now draw near,
Beseeching Thee that Thou would’st hear,
H oly art Thou in all Thy ways.
Yet helps a sinner when he prays,
O Lord have mercy and forgive,
That each and all of us may live.
V eerily ever in Thy sight
Thinking, speaking, and acting right.
A lthough now in a place of strife,
Where discontent and sin is rife,
H elp us to realise Thy power
Day by day and hour by hour.

S halom, which means to send us peace,
When turmoil sad shall ever cease,
H osanna then shall rise once more
From many hearts that now are sore,
A ll secs and creeds kept in their place,
Since we are only saved by grace,
L ove unfeigned, which is of Heaven,
Permeating all like heaven,
O for true Faith and Hope and Love
To live down here as for above,
M y readers dear, all I can say,
For this sweet peace let us all pray.

Adam Lynn,

September 25th 1920