Dear friends, we read so much these days
Of houses large or small,
And many places here and there
That have got none at all.

One time it is for lack of stuff,
Or cannot find a site,
Or not enough tradesmen to build,
Or fix the rents aright.

However, a great woman sure
Prepar’d one for her guest,
Just putting in such furniture
As would suit him the best.

“A bed that the Prophet might rest,
A table spread with food,
A stool whereon betimes to sit,
And candlestick” all good.

Now let us moralize for good,
Which only is our part;
Taking some lessons to ourselves
By laying them to heart.

Thank God there is a bed whereon
All weary souls may rest
Rising refresh’d spirits reviv’d,
Again to do their best.

A table spread for hungry souls
Whose appetites are keen;
The spirits that are not thus fed
Have bodies poor and lean.

A stool on which to rest and think
When one has time to sit;
But blessings come when we just make
The proper use of it.

A candlestick bearing the light,
Making the place full bright
Within the chamber where Christ shines,
Who is the one true Light.

And best of all, an open door
That none on earth can close;
May all who read “Observer” now
Turn in for sweet repose.

Old Adam,
Galgorm Parks,
July 1946