(1st Samuel XXV)
This time dear freens we think aboot
A merit wummin fair.
Wha wuz in truth, the better half,
A think that’s nae wise rare.
Nabal wuz then a wealthy man,
A fermer het an’ fu’,
Whun Davie ask’d him fur a share,
That only wuz his due.
Which he at yince refus’d tae gie,
So Davie he got mad,
An’ vow’d he’s smash them big an’ wee,
An’ tak’ whut stuff they had.
But Abigail, the fermer’s wife,
Display’d hir wisdom gran’;
An’ sav’d the situation weel,
Bae takin’ things in han’.
Unonc’d tae Nabal hir “fool” man,
She gether’d o’ their store,
An’ laid it on the asses’ bak’s,
Sendin’ them on afore.
Half wye alang the road she met
Young Davie an’ his clan,
Proceedin’ tae wreck vengeance on
This “churly” fermer man.
But Abigail bow’d tae the grun’,
Frustratin’ his device;
Bae takin’ hon hirsel’ the blame,
An’ there tae pye the price.
The sicht that met this wummin’s gaze
Whun she returned hame,
An’ hoo she did the true help meet,
Broucht hir eternal fame.
Dear, merit sisters read the rest,
An’ may ye niver fail,
That shud yer husban’ go astray,
Tae act like Abigail.
13th May 1916