of the Elim Missionaries Killed in Rhodesia

Far away in the land of Rhodesia,
Underneath the dark African sod,
We laid our loved ones to rest
In the hallowed “Acre of God.”

We will meet them in the Glory,
We will talk with them again,
We will walk with them in Heaven,
Free from sorrow, care and pain.

We will meet them in the morning
When the mists have rolled away,
We will see them in the brightness
Of God’s Everlasting Day.

And our souls are filled with worship
That they’re with our Saviour dear,
Whilst through mem’ries sweet and countless
To our hearts they’re ever near.

Through the riches of redemption
They’re delivered from all pain;
Through the love of God our Saviour,
Death in Christ is endless gain.

Oh! The peace beyond all measure,
Oh! The hope that cannot fail,
E’en in death we are united,
And we’ll meet beyond the veil.

Jean Graham, July 1978