Ardvernis! how I love thee!
I have strayed beneath thy bowers,
Beneath thy cooling shade,
In company of those I hold most dear,
And ever shall with reverence deep revere.
Ardvernis! how I love thee!
Not thee alone, but for the sake of those
Who oft to me have shown
The way of wisdom, and has often painted
The home, where those I loved are happy sainted.
Ardvernis! how I love thee!
Memory flings her pleasant mantle round,
Yet oft in mockery brings
Back days of happiness, that long have passed,
And never can return while time itself doth last.
Ardvernis! how I love thee!
Graven on my heart shall be thy scenery,
And though I soon must part
From thee, friends, kindred, and from all,
Ardvernis! thou alone, shall hold my heart in thrall!